Nested Metafields and Metaobjects in Shopify Liquid: The Guide

September 4, 2024

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Shopify metafields and metaobjects provide a powerful way to extend and customize your Shopify store by storing additional data related to products, collections, orders, or other resources. However, when working with complex nested structures, such as a metafield that contains a list of metaobjects, each of which has a metafield list of its own, it can be tricky to correctly retrieve and display the data in Shopify Liquid.

In this article, we’ll walk through how to handle these nested combinations step by step using Shopify Liquid.

What Are Metafields and Metaobjects?

Metafields allow you to store additional data for Shopify resources (such as products, collections, etc.) beyond the default fields that Shopify provides.

Metaobjects, a more advanced feature, can contain multiple fields, allowing for complex data structures. A metaobject is essentially a container for grouped metafields, and it can be associated with products or other store elements.

Common Use Cases for Nested Metafields

Here are some scenarios where you might encounter nested metafields and metaobjects:

  • Product Specifications: You might want to display a list of product specifications where each specification is an object containing a title and a list of sub-features.
  • Custom Galleries: A metafield holds a list of galleries (metaobjects), and each gallery contains a list of images (metafields).
  • FAQ Sections: A metafield might store a list of FAQs (metaobjects), each with a question and a list of related topics (metafields).

Now let’s dive into how to handle these situations in Shopify Liquid.

Example: Nested Metafield -> Metaobject List -> Metafield List

Let’s assume you have a product that stores the following data structure:

  1. Metafield: product_features
    • This metafield contains a list of metaobjects.
  2. Metaobject: feature_group
    • Each metaobject represents a group of features with the following fields:
      • group_title: The title of the feature group.
      • features: A metafield list containing individual features.
  3. Features Metafield: features
    • A list of strings (the features of the group).

Here’s a breakdown of how to access this nested data in Shopify Liquid.

Step 1: Accessing the Top-Level Metafield

You first need to access the product_features metafield on the product object:

{% assign product_features = product.metafields.custom.product_features.value %}

Here, product.metafields.custom.product_features retrieves the value top-level metafield for the product (i.e. list of product features metaobjects). You can replace custom with the appropriate namespace for your metafields.

Step 2: Looping Through the Metaobject List

Since product_features is a list of metaobjects (feature groups), we need to loop through this list:

{% if product_features %}
    {% for feature_group in product_features %}
        <h3>{{ feature_group.group_title }}</h3>
        <!-- Step 3: Looping through the nested metafield list -->
        {% assign features = feature_group.features.value %}
        {% if features %}
            {% for feature in features %}
              <li>{{ feature }}</li>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

In this example:

  • We loop through each feature_group in the product_features metafield.
  • For each feature_group, we access the metafield group_title and output it. Important note here - is that we don't have to use feature_group.value here, since feature_group is not a metafield, but metaobject.
  • We then retrieve the nested metafield features and loop through it to display each individual feature.

Step 3: Handling More Complex Metafield Data Types

In the example above, the features metafield is a simple list of strings. However, metafields can also store more complex data, such as references to other objects (e.g., images or other products).

Let’s modify the example slightly to illustrate how you would handle a metafield containing a list of image references.

Assume that instead of a list of strings, the features metafield contains image references:

{% assign product_features = product.metafields.custom.product_features.value -%}
{%- if product_features %}
    {% for feature_group in product_features %}
        <h3>{{ feature_group.group_title }}</h3>
        <!-- Fetching image references in the metafield -->
        {% assign images = feature_group.features.value %}
        {% if images %}
            {% for image in images %}
              <li>{{ image | image_url: width: 1200 | image_tag }}</li>
            {%- endfor %}
        {%- endif %}
    {%- endfor %}
{% endif %}


  • We assume that the features metafield contains references to images.
  • We loop through the images and use the image_url + image_tag filter to generate the image tags.

Step 4: Adding Fallbacks and Error Handling

When working with metafields, you should always include checks to ensure the data exists before trying to output it. This helps prevent Liquid errors and provides a better user experience.

For example, you can add a fallback in case the metafield is empty:

{% if features %}
    {% for feature in features %}
      <li>{{ feature }}</li>
    {%- endfor %}
{% else %}
  <p>No features available for this product.</p>
{% endif %}

Final Notes

  1. Metafield Namespaces: Always ensure that you’re using the correct metafield namespace (e.g., custom, global, etc.).
  2. Metaobject Definitions: Metaobjects must be properly defined in the Shopify admin and linked to products via metafields.
  3. Performance Considerations: Keep in mind that nested loops and large metafield data structures can affect page load times. It’s good practice to limit the amount of data being pulled or paginate it when possible.


Working with nested metafield structures in Shopify Liquid may seem complex at first, but with a structured approach, you can retrieve and display even the most intricate data. By understanding how to access metafields, loop through metaobject lists, and retrieve nested metafield data, you can enhance your store’s customization and provide a richer shopping experience.

With this guide, you should be able to handle metafield → metaobject → metafield list combinations and build dynamic, data-driven Shopify themes.

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